After Si Newhouse, Who's Next?

So who will take over from S.I. Newhouse at the Conde Nast media empire someday?

Today, speculation revolves around how much longer Mr. Newhouse will maintain his desk in the executive suite. In the 1990s, Jonathan Newhouse, a first cousin who runs Condé Nast International in London, was widely seen as the heir apparent.But back in the 1990s ('94 in hardcover; '97 in paperback), didn't a certain book make the same assessment as Mr. Perez-Pena?
In this decade, that designation shifted to Steve Newhouse, one of Donald’s sons, who, as chairman of, has overseen all of Advance’s Internet operations since the 1990s. Both ideas are simply wrong, according to Steve Newhouse, Mr. Townsend and some other top executives. Instead of a single heir to Si, they say, a team of people will be running the show.