O - The Oprah Magazine Reviews "Masters of Sex" -- Loveless Marriage of M&J Part of Their Mystery

In the brand-new May 2009 edition of O - The Oprah Magazine -- Francine Prose reviews Masters of Sex by Thomas Maier, "a strangely chilling story of two sexual pioneers."
Prose recounts the story of Masters and Johnson and underlines the remarkable modern Pygmalion-like story of Virginia Johnson. "Sex with her boss was understood to be part of the job description for Virginia Johnson, an attractive divorced single mother, yet when Masters finally left his wife for her, their marriage was a chilly professional partnership, sadly devoid of love -- a mystery their experiments had left unexplored."
As Prose concludes, "Masters of Sex, Thomas Maier's new book about the couple's career, may strike some readers as unusually graphic for a biography, but this unsettling story of sex and science in theory and practice is ultimately more cautionary than titillating."