NPR's "Fresh Air" Devotes Second Program to "Masters of Sex" With Michael Sheen Interview; Lizzy Caplan Appears on Chelsea Lately

Twice NPR's "FRESH AIR" show has devoted program to discussing "Masters of Sex", the book and TV show.
As the Dec. 15 finale nears for Masters of Sex, the two main stars are doing their best to get out the word. On Dec, 10, ">Lizzy Caplan appeared on Chelsea Lately, with her trademark wit that grabbed headlines. And on Dec. 11 Michael Sheen appeared on NPR's "Fresh Air". This is the second time "Fresh Air" has devoted their program to "Masters of Sex", the first being my interview in July with host Terry Gross.
Today, Michael Sheen talked about playing Dr. William Masters on
"Masters of Sex" -- graciously mentioning my book -- and about his amazing acting career.